Monday, September 15, 2014

Traffic Exchange Tip

  Traffic Exchange Tip

One of the most effective ways to use a traffic exchange is to build a Lead Capture Page or a Squeeze Page to build your list. If you only have a few seconds to grab the viewers attention you absolutely have to make it valuable.  Entice your visitor to sign up through your lead capture page by offering a free gift of value, for example a free e-book, informative newsletter, a report, or even a free product. Bonus offers work well too. 

Furthermore, it is best to let your auto-responder do the follow up for you after you've generate leads from your squeeze page or lead capture page.  A few seconds is enough time to have your visitors sign up for your offer to receive more information at a later time. Also, keep in mind when joining a traffic exchange program, try to search for the more populated ones. 

The traffic exchanges that have a large membership base, because the more members they have the more traffic for you to grab. Numbers, like I mentioned before, are the name of the game when it comes to turning traffic into profits. Stay informed and stay tune.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Social Networking For Free Traffic

Social Networking and building relationships with other internet marketers online are key components for creating long-term success online.  It's a great way to share new ideas to help grow your business.  Networking allows you to promote your business for free.  In many cases, online social networking has its own advantages that includes...

 * Huge Exposure:  Marketing your business online through social networking websites gives you a huge number of prospective, clients, and/or customers. YouTube alone has over 1 billion users and growing. Many visitors are potential prospects.  

* More Pointed Exposure:  When you use a blog platform to provide information on your business or product, you'll begin to boost the number of people that come to your website over time. By providing quality content, specifically for your product or business. People who search for information online, will look for things that are in relation to what they're searching for, which you are able to provide. Also you are not marketing to people who may not need your product or service, but rather, to people who are actually interested in it. I highly recommend starting a blog for group discussions and social gatherings online, on a specific topic.